Fanged Noumena  Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) by Land, Nick Book-9780955308789
  • Fanged Noumena  Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) by Land, Nick Book-9780955308789

Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press)


Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press)
Author: Land, Nick
ISBN-13: 9780955308789

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Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) Book Information:

ip through the mind(s) of the provocative and influential thinker Nick Land.During the 1990s British philosopher Nick Land's unique work, variously described as rabid nihilism, mad black deleuzianism, and cybergothic, developed perhaps the only rigorous and culturally-engaged escape route out of the malaise of continental philosophy a route that was implacably blocked by the academy. However, Land's work has continued to exert an influence, both through the British speculative realist philosophers who studied with him, and through the many cultural producerswriters, artists, musicians, filmmakerswho have been invigorated by his uncompromising and abrasive philosophical vision.Beginning with Land's early radical rereadings of Heidegger, Nietzsche, Kant and Bataille, the volume collects together the papers, talks and articles of the mid-90slong the subject of rumour and vague legend (including some work which has never previously appeared in print)in which Land developed his futuristic theory-fiction of cybercapitalism gone amok; and ends with his enigmatic later writings in which Ballardian fictions, poetics, cryptography, anthropology, grammatology and the occult are smeared into unrecognisable hybrids.Fanged Noumena gives a dizzying perspective on the entire trajectory of this provocative and influential thinker's work, and has introduced his unique voice to a new generation of readers.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Collected Writings 1987

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) Published On :

  • Resource:

  • Higher Education Textbooks, Humanities, Fanged Noumena, Collected Writings 1987 Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press)

Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press)
Author: Land, Nick
ISBN-13: 9780955308789

Buy now Land, Nick Fanged Noumena Collected Writings 19872007 (Urbanomic/Sequence Press) book from and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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